Previous and Future Events List
- Sat, 09 NovZoom meetingCome play and create - just for fun!
- Wed, 06 NovZoom Meeting
- Sat, 21 SeptZoom meetingCome play and create - just for fun!
- Sat, 17 AugZooooooomCome and play and create to celebrate my birthday time!
- Multiple DatesSun, 16 JunZoomA weekend of wonder! 2 Fun, fabulous sessions in 1 weekend to connect, create, be inspired and play in love, and beauty!
- Sat, 27 AprZoom meetingCome play and create - just for fun!
- Wed, 20 MarZoomGently add a spring to your steps with the Angelic energies
- Sat, 02 MarZoom meetingCome play and create - just for fun!
- Sun, 11 FebZoom meetingCome play and create - just for fun!
- Tue, 06 FebZoomThe angelic realms flow with love and light, play and fun! Let them inspire us to infuse more light and love into our everyday, and create this way.
Laura’s creative play dates are pure magic and so much fun!
Her beautiful positive energy and powerful visualisation creates a wonderful space to allow creativity to flow.
It brings me right back to the playfulness of being a child, which we so often forget as adults.
Deeply nourishing.
-Caroline, UK
Laura's playdates are one of my very favorite things to do.
Her soothing voice takes you on a lovely journey into your own imagination, where you can allow your inner child to play and
create without shackles or judgment.
My whole day goes better after one of these sessions!
-Amy, USA
I have enjoyed a few of Laura's creative playdates via zoom. She creates a lovely fun atmosphere with lots of ideas herself that spark ideas in the group.
Her visualisations to set the atmosphere and get us
all in a calm creative state are gorgeous.
There is lovely background music when we are creating and somehow the most unusual ideas pop into my mind. Even though each of us has the same topic, the creations are very different and it feels very therapeutic and a lot of fun.”
-Carol, UK
Information and Terms
Refunds and Cancellations
Digital Goods and Online Courses and Events: Due to the nature of digital data, we cannot refund digital goods, online courses, events or sessions.
Terms of Use
All rights reserved. No part of this content or material may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public or private use without prior written permission from Laura Heal/Laura
Laura Heal and does not dispense medical advice, simply inspiring, imaginative, meditative, fun visualisations, creative events, sessions, audios, courses and music. The intent of this material is only to offer information of a general nature to assist with well-being. It is not a replacement for, nor offered as medical treatment. Please consult your physician/medical professionals for medical issues.
In the event you use any of the information for yourself, Laura and/or Laura Heal assume no responsibility for your actions.
Any participant in any group call acknowledges that people not in attendance on the call may view or listen to replays at a later date, and all who register may possibly receive access to a digital recording of the event.
With any purchase or participation in events, you acknowledge that you consent to receiving emails from Laura from time to time, with information and offerings. You may unsubscribe using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email.